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Liz Zemlicka

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The Apartment (Part 4:Final)

I was standing in my living room, the room was impossibly dark again but I didn’t seem to notice, I was staring straight ahead at a small circle of light in the door way that lead to my entry way, it was just a pin prick of light but it appeared to somehow be alive. It was pulsating and seemed to be getting bigger or closer, I couldn't tell which. Pretty soon it was the size of a softball, then a basketball…I kept staring, I couldn’t take my eyes away. Pretty soon I could see shapes in the light, the bigger the light got, the clearer the shapes got. They were people, hundreds and hundreds of people, just staring back at me. 

Confusion set in, what was I looking at? Why are there people in that circle of light? Then a whisper of a thousand voices at once “Come with us” I was suddenly back in my bed, shaking. I wanted to get up and check the apartment but didn’t trust my legs to hold my weight. I didn’t understand this nightmare. That morning, I began packing boxes and reserving a truck, I was getting out of there and it wasn't coming fast enough. A few weeks later, all my stuff was in a new house, one not so old but not nearly as beautiful, but that was a sacrifice I was perfectly fine with. I returned to the apartment one last time to vacuum and clean up after the furniture was gone, it was early afternoon but the usually brightly lit living room was dark and dreary, the air was heavy and I instantly had pin pricks up my spine and a voice in the back of my head screamed “GET OUT” I ran out the door, leaving my vacuum cleaner behind and never returned. Looking back at those six months, ten years later, I believe my apartment was a portal that let something sinister in. This evil thing had intentions that I don’t even want to think about. My son continued to sleep walk for another three years, I would find him standing at the top of my stairs, or at the edge of my bed, staring blankly down at me, sending chills down my spine in that old familiar way. The nightmares never returned, but sometimes, when I am all alone in my house, I hear quiet footsteps on carpet getting louder… and louder 

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